1. Rákóczi, The Painted Caravan, p.40.
2. Kukil, K (ed.), The Journals of Sylvia Plath, 29 March 1958. p.599.
3. Rákóczi, The Painted Caravan, p.43. Saint Sara (Sara–la–Kali) is venerated at the thirteenth century church of Saintes Maries–de–la-Mer, Isle de la Camargue, France. Her festival days, 24-25 May, are celebrated each year and are attended by many Romany pilgrims.
4. Wallis Budge, E.A. The Gods of the Egyptians, Vol.1. Dover Publications, N.Y. 1969, pp.402-415.
5. A number of papyrus pictures show the hippopotamus being speared by the god Horus to protect Thoth. Yet, the animal was worshipped by the Egyptians and there was, in The Book of Slaughter of the Hippopotamus, a hippopotamus goddess, called Rertu, who was regarded as beneficent.
6. Hughes, T. ‘Publishing Sylvia Plath’, Winter Pollen, Faber, 1994, p.166.
7. Rákóczi, The Painted Caravan, p.43.
8. Rákóczi, The Painted Caravan, p.44.
9. Stevenson, A. Bitter Fame, Viking, 1989, p. 268.
10. Plath, S. Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams, Faber, 1979, pp.26 and 33.
11. Kukil, K. The Journals of Sylvia Plath, p.522.
12. Plath interviewed by Peter Orr of the British Council, 30 October, 1962. This interview is available on the internet.
13. Hughes, T. ‘Sylvia Plath and her Journals’, Winter Pollen, Faber, 1994, p.187.
14. Plath, S. Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams, pp.26-7.
15. With only the thumb on one hand exposed from a clenched fist, the mother asks: “Where is Thumbkin? Where is Thumbkin? Here I am.” (exposes thumb the other hand). “Here I am. How are you this morning?” (bowing the first thumb). “Very well I thank you” (bowing the other thumb).“ Run away. Run away” (conceals each thumb in turn). The game is repeated for ‘Pointer’, ‘Tallman’, ‘Ringman’ and ‘Smallman’.
16. Plath, A. (ed.), Letters Home, Faber, 1976, pp.474-5. Letter dated 23 October, 1962.
17. ‘Babushka’ is the name for an elderly Russian peasant woman; and for the folded headscarf which she wears and which, in the poem, is likened to the bandage on the thumb/head.
18. Rákóczi, The Painted Caravan, p.47.
19. Rákóczi also links the Wheel of Fortune card with the Wheel of Law. The Painted Caravan, p.45.