Abbreviations and Bibliograpy

For convenience the following works are referred to in the text by the abbreviation shown, followed by the relevant page number or, in the case of Blake’s works, by the Plate number and line number as shown in The Illuminated Blake, annotated by David Erdman, (Anchor Press, 1974).

Works by Ted Hughes:

ASN. Adam and the Sacred Nine (Rainbow Press, 1979).
BL. Birthday Letters (Faber 1998).
CB. Cave Birds (Faber, 1979).
ED. Drafts of Cave Birds held at The University of Exeter.
G. Gaudete (Faber 1977).
HIR. Hawk in the Rain (Faber 1968).
L. Lupercal (Faber 1970).
ME-1. ‘Myth and Education’ in Children’s Literature in Education I (APS March 1970) pp.55-70.
ME-2. ‘Myth and Education’ in Writers, Critics and Children, Fox, Hammond, Jones. Smith, and Sterck (eds). (Heineman, 1976).
M. Moortown (Faber 1979).
PIM. Poetry in the Making (Faber 1969).
R. River (Faber1983).
ROE. Remains of Elmet (Faber 1979)SP. Selected Poems 1957-1981 (Faber1982).
SS. Season Songs (Faber 1979).
THCP. Ted Hughes Collected Poems (Faber 2003).
W. Wodwo (Faber 1971).
WITT. What Is The Truth (Faber 1984).
WP. Winter Pollen, W.Scammell (ed.), (Faber 1994).

Works by William Blake:

Eu. Europe.
Jer. Jerusalem.
Job. Illustrations of the Book of Job, Bold, A. (ed), (Paddington Press, 1976).
MHH. The Marriage of Heaven and Hell.
Mil. Milton

Works by C.G. Jung:

MC. Mysterium Coniunctionis, (Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1974).
PA. Psychology and Alchemy, (Princeton University Press, 1980).

Other works:

O. Smith, A.C., Orghast at Persepolis (Eyre and Methuen, 1972).
Faas. Faas, E., Ted Hughes: The Unaccommodated Universe (Black Sparrow, 1980).
ATH. Sagar, K., The Achievement of Ted Hughes (Manchester University Press, 1983).
Sagar, K., The Art of Ted Hughes (Cambridge University Press, 1978).
Scigaj. Scigaj, L. The Poetry of Ted Hughes (University of Iowa Press, 1986).

British Library Manuscripts:

Sloane ms. 317. The translation into English of some of the work of Albertus Magnus, Folio. 99–99B.
Sloane ms. 3734. Printed book entitled The Mirror of Alchemy by Roger Bacon, Quarto, London 1597. 2405. Roger Bacon’s Mirror of Alchemy, XVII century. Folio. 39–476. 320. XVI lent. Notes gathered out of the Testament of Arnoldus Philosophicus, Folio. 32.b –33.B. 630. A translation of Arnold de Villa Nova’s alchemical treatise, Practica, printed in Latin in the Theatrum Chymicum, volume III, page 137, Folio. 98–116. 3,506. Folio. 1 32. Alchemical tracts by A de Villa Nova, XVIII century. 317. 1600, Raymondus Lullius his Elucidaric; in English, Fo. 45–56B. 640. XVIII, Collection of alchemical receipts and observations partly taken from Arnoldus de Villa Nova and Isaac Holland: in English and Latin, Folio. 352–402. 3732. XVIL c.pap. A collection of chemical works by George Ripley. Folio. 1–97. 716. XVIIc. A small book of Artephrus called The Great Key of Wisdom, a translation of Artefuus, Artefii Arabis Philosophi liber secretus. 3676. Translations in English of a book entitled Cabala, the looking Glass of Art and Nature in Alchemy by Leonard Thurneiser, Fo. 1–35 and XVII.c. pap. 3685. The Roseyarde or Rosarie of the Philosophers, Englished by John Arondell, 1601, Fo. 1–50. 320. Extracts from some alchemical tracts entitled The Serpent and the Dragon, XVI.c.

The bibliographic details of all other works consulted are referenced in the text.

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