Literary Resources

Modern Poetry in Translation The Magazine Modern Poetry in Translation, was founded by Ted Hughes and Daniel Weissbort in 1965 with the aim of bringing poetry from behind the Iron Curtain into wider circulation. It still brings together brings the best new poetry, essays and reviews from around the world.

Keith Sagar, foremost Hughes scholar, has a Ted Hughes page on his on his website, with a selection of downloadable essays from Natural Man: Collected Essays and Talks on Ted Hughes..

Dwight Eddins: Ted Hughes once said: “The only philosophy I ever really read was Schopenhauer’s. He impressed me all right”. Eddins’ essay ‘Ted Hughes and Schopenhauer: The Poetry of the Will’ (Twentieth Century Literature, Hofstra University, Spring 1999), traces the shadow of Schopenhauer in some of Hughes’s best–known poems. A second essay, ‘The Iniquities of the Fathers: Ted Hughes and the Great War’, (World War I and the Cultures of Modernity, ed. Mackaman and May, University of Mississippi Press, 2000) deals with the the influence of war in Hughes’ poetry. Both essays may be obtained by e-mail from Prof. Eddins at

Artifex: Leonard Baskin and the Gehenna Press Leonard Baskin and Ted Hughes were lifelong friends. Baskin illustrated many of Ted Hughes poems and they collaborated to produce a number of Limited Edition books which were published by the Gehenna Press. Some of the illustrations from these books as well as information about their collaboration can be found at this site, which belongs to Cornell University Library.

Mytholmroyd and The Iron Man: The Iron Man has been adopted by the schoolchildren of Mytholmroyd. Click on ‘Ted Hughes Corner’ for more information.

The William Blake Archive Homepage

Eclectica E-Magazine

MidWest Book Review Bookwatch

Claas Kazzer: For many years Claas maintained a valuable website devoted to the work of Ted Hughes. Sadly these pages are no longer available.

Go to The Ted Hughes Homepage

Go to Ann Skea’s Homepage
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