1. Weissbort, D. Ted Hughes and Translation, Richard Hollis, Five Leaves Publications, Nottingham, 2011. p.7.

2. Interview of Ted Hughes at the Adelaide Festival Book Week. Transcript: .//Adelaide3.htm.

3. Ann Skea notebooks and diaries, British Library Dep. 10515. Notebook 1992.

4. Myers, L. Crow Steered Bergs Appeared, Proctor’s Hall Press, Sewanee, Tennessee, USA, 2001. p.57.

5. Daniel Weissbort, e-mail to Ann Skea, 6 Oct. 2009.

6. Daniel Weissbort, unpublished memoir. In Ted Hughes and Translation (op.cit.) Weissbort dates the New Years Eve Party as 1962/3. The true date is uncertain.

7. The October date is specified in a letter from Hughes to Charles Tomlinson: Reid, C. (Ed.). Letters of Ted Hughes, Faber, 2007. Summer/Autumn 1965. p.247.

8. Daniel Weissbort, e-mail to Ann Skea, 12 Oct. 2009.

9. Hughes, T. ‘Introduction’, MPT 1982, in Weissbort, D.(Ed) Ted Hughes: Selected Translations, Faber, 2006. p. 204.

10. Daniel Weissbort, unpublished memoir.

11. Hughes to Weissbort, 12 Feb. 1964: Reid (Ed.), op.cit., pp.231-2.

12. Hughes to Daniel and Helga Huws, 26 September 1965. in Reid (Ed.), op.cit., p.249.

13. Peace News, founded in 1936 was, until 1961, the official paper of the Peace Pledge Union. Gandhi was an early contributor. Coincidentally, the editor of Peace News when MPT was being founded was Theodore Roszack, whose work, like Ted’s, was published by Faber & Faber. There is no record of the two men ever meeting.

14. Hughes to Weissbort, Autumn 1969. in Reid (Ed.), op.cit., pp.297-8.

15. Sillitoe’s 1970’s date for this meeting is probably incorrect, since by 1970 work had already begun on the first of the Rainbow Press books. It is likely, too, that the dinner was not at Court Green but at Olwyn’s London home. Olwyn moved from Court Green back to London in October 1965, although she still visited Devon frequently until about 1970.

16. Sillitoe, A. ‘Ted Hughes: A Short Memoir’ in Gammage, N (Ed.), Epic Poise, Faber`1999. p. 260.

17. Letter from Olwyn Hughes to Ann Skea, 18 Nov. 2009.

18. Letter from Olwyn Hughes to Ann Skea, 5 Dec. 2009.

19. Correspondence of Ted Hughes and K. Sagar. British Library. Add.78756. 27 April 1993.

20. Letter from Olwyn Hughes to Ann Skea, 7 Jan. 2012. Baskin’s new colophon replaced the Press’s original ‘Moon-ark’ emblem which has been attributed to William Blake and which first appeared at the end of Bryant’s New System of Mythology, (1774-6). cf. Raine, K. William Blake, Thames and Hudson, London, 1970. pp. 13-14.

21. Richard Thomas and Olwyn divorced and Richard died in Crete in 1984. In a letter to Leonard Baskin, Ted wrote that “he died of bloodloss (he was a haemophilic) when some ulcer ruptured”. Leonard Baskin/Ted Hughes correspondence. British Library Add mss. 83685. Thomas had Haemophilia B, a mild form of Haemophilia sometimes called the ‘Christmas disease’

22. Kukil, K (Ed.), The Journals of Sylvia Plath, Faber, London, 2000. ‘Appendix II 26[b] - 27[a]’, pp. 613-4.

23. Carter, S. ‘The Rainbow Press’, Parenthesis 12, November 2006. pp. 32-5.

24. Sangorski and Sutcliffe (est. 1901) are one of London’s oldest and most prestigious bookbinding companies (See: They were Olwyn’s preferred bookbinders .

25. In July and August 1971, Hughes was with Peter Brook’s company in Tehran. Smith, C.H. Orghast at Persepolis, Eyre Methuen, London 1972. p.154.

26. Encounter, (25:20-1) July 1965.

27. Sagar and Tabor, Ted Hughes: A Bibliography 1946-1995, Mansell, 1983, p. 58.

28. British Library Add.mss. 53784: Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath: verse and prose.

29. This book is an alchemical text written by the 17th century Hermeticist, Johann Christian Andreae.

30. Faas, E. The Unaccommodated Universe, Black Sparrow Press, Santa Barbara, 1980. p.212.

31. Weissbort, D., op.cit., pp.5-6.

32. Conversation with Ann Skea, 9 August 2011. Diary/Notebook 26.

33. Moortown, Faber, London, 1979. pp.71-92.

34. Kegan, P. (Ed.) Ted Hughes: Collected Poems, Faber. London, 2003.

35. Carter, op.cit., p. 33.

36. Carter, op.cit., p.33.

37. Reid (Ed.), op.cit. p. 201.

38. Ramanujan, A.K., Speaking of Siva, Penguin Classics, 1973.

39. Skea, A. Ted Hughes: Difficulties of a Bridegroom, Unpublished paper read at the Ted Hughes Conference at Pembroke College, Cambridge, in 2010.

40. Jack Orchard died in February 1976, after which Ted and Carol sold much of their farm stock and let the fields for agistment.

41. Letter from Olwyn Hughes to Ann Skea, 18 November 2009.

42. Hughes to Gerald and Joan Hughes, 28 November 1977: Reid (Ed.), op.cit.. p. 387.

43. Years later, Ted wrote of the influence of Williamson’s book in a letter to Keith Sagar, 18 July 1998: Reid (Ed.), op.cit.. pp.724-5.

44. Letter from Olwyn Hughes to Ann Skea, 5 December 2009.

45. Carter, op.cit., p.34.

46. Kukil, K. (Ed.), The Journals of Sylvia Plath, Faber, 2000. ‘Friday July 1958’, pp. 400-401; and Hughes to Sagar, 18 July, 1998, in Reid (Ed.), op.cit.. p. 721.

47. Hughes, T. (Ed.) Sylvia Plath: Collected Poems, Faber, London, 1981. pp. 276-286. See also Ted’s accounts of Ouija in letters to Lucas Myers (16 November 1956) and Keith Sagar (18 July 1998): Reid (Ed.), op.cit., pp.87-8 and p.727.

48. Conversation with Ann Skea, 16 September 2010. Diary/Notebook 25.

49. Letter from Olwyn Hughes to Ann Skea, 18 November 2009.

50. Illustrations to Ted Hughes Poems, The Library, Victoria and Albert Museum, 12 September to 28 October 1979.

51. Letter from Olwyn Hughes to Ann Skea, 17 May 2011.

52. Correspondence of Ted Hughes and L.Baskin. British Library Add. 83684. Box.3. 19 July 1977.

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